Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, one and all!  I'm not sure where this year went, but boy did it fly by!  In 2007 I made two angels at the end of the year to decorate my mantle..."Hinda, Angel of Hindsight" and "Futura, Angel of Foresight".  We can always look back and wonder where the time went.  And even ask ourselves, or challenge ourselves, what would you have done differently?  Would you have a kinder word or thought to those that irritate you?  Would you have slowed down to connect with those that would welcome a quick phone call or short visit?  Would you have stopped what you were working on and play with your kids?  It's easy to look back, but I think it's a little more challenging to look ahead...what will the future bring?  Sure you can make resolutions and promises, even use elaborate planning tools to keep you on track.  But it's sometimes tough to find what will work for you every month of the year.  Some people like daily reminders and even sign up for daily affirmative emails.  Some people like monthly "girls night out" dinners to keep them grounded and have a release from the pressures of their daily grind.  Then there are those career women that are tied to quarterly goals and accountability reports to management.  Boy I'm glad I'm a small business owner and can set my own goals and plans, or not...  Sometimes it's more fun to go with the flow, be spontaneous, and be able to drop everything to invite someone over for coffee...  So what day would be good for you?  I still have my Christmas decorations up and cookies in the freezer.  Happy New Year, my friends.

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