Monday, September 20, 2010

It was a first...of many, I'm sure!

We seem to find one another...those of us that like old things, the kind of things we grew up with, like soft old quilts, being in the woods, and letting your imagination run wild to create things from nature. Well on Saturday, I met all kinds of wonderful women that appreciate all the same things I do! Somehow, Bonnie found me, or found my stuff and invited me to her 10th Annual Harvest Festival at her quilt shop - Willow Wood Market Designs just south of Bemidji. Here is a beautiful little shop, nestled in the woods filled with hand dyed wool, wonderful fabrics, and patterns created by Bonnie. When I arrived Saturday morning, I was amazed by the "maze" of quilts hung from tree to tree, it was literally like walking through an outdoor art gallery! Thankfully it was a beautiful sunny fall day, and even though it included a rather "bitter" wind, everyone enjoyed the wild rice soup, desserts and the shopping! So a special thanks to my "local" friends that ventured out of our county to explore this new "territory" and a special thanks for the new friends I made. It was great fun to see "sisters" and girlfriends out shopping together on this crispy fall day! Hope to see you all at this Harvest Festival next year, if not before! Fall Blessings to all!

1 comment:

jody said...

that was a fun day! i bought a bee skep from you. enjoyed all your fun things and meeting you!fun to see all the quilts ect. came home all inspired.... its a long winter after all.